Category Archives: MSNBC

Cross Connection Finds Good Trouble

With zero notice, Cross Connection hosted by Tiffany Cross was canceled by MSNBC only days prior to the 2022 midterm election. Speaking out and speaking truth as a Black person is clearly like walking through a mine field in a snow storm. Though I did not watch Cross Connection regularly, I found Tiffany Cross’ commentary to be truthful. In fact, these days I hardly watch MSNBC and not because of any disdain, but rather the constant ugly political news thrust upon us all by white supremacists and right-wing extremists. It was TC (fox) who called Tiffany Cross a racist for rightly exposing him and his right wing bigots, and it seems MSNBC has bought in. Tiffany standardly served truth straight up with no chaser. Here’s another truth, MSNBC is corporate America, and Black women are rarely supported in corporate America. If we don’t stay in our place then…well, Tiffany is proof of retribution.

Isn’t it curious how Black people are always held accountable yet White people like tucker or trump and his minions never seem to be. She spoke too plainly. She exposed too many truths. She made too many White people uncomfortable. Is this her media lynching? Should only White men be allowed to speak so freely and placate an increasingly fragile White America, i.e., Joe Scarborough? MSNBC has made an executive decision and the cable news platform will need to navigate the fallout. This cancelation looks bad, misogynist, and frankly racist, and her callous release has offended many in the Black community. It’s time for Black journalists, pundits and subject matter experts to stop esteeming cable news platforms like MSNBC as a badge of acceptance or bonafides. MSNBC is not that deluxe apartment in the sky.

Tiffany has been silenced on MSNBC, but her voice will be lifted up in many other spaces. She’s more dangerous now than ever before — unbought and unbossed. She’s free. Lemonade baby, lemonade. Maybe she’ll join Roland Martin, and the two can compare notes on how so-called mainstream media handles Black people who won’t bow down. John Lewis encouraged getting into good trouble; I’d say Tiffany Cross has found a measure. Head up Tiffany. Beware Joy Reid. Seasons come and go, but only the steadfast prevail.

Black Churches Burning

Black Churches Burned as of 7.4.2015

Whatever points Nikki Haley made on the national stage after the assassination of State Senator, Reverend Clementa Pinckney and the cold-blooded murder of eight congregants of the Mother Emmanuel AME Church have been lost with her premature, yet emphatic defense of the most recent black church burned in Greeleyville, South Carolina. Mt. Zion AME Church was burned to the ground on June 30, 2015. A total of eight black churches have been burned since the murders at Mother Emanuel on June 17th.

MSNBC questions the assertions made by the South Carolina Governor, Nikki Haley, that the church was struck by lightning. Joy Reid of MSNBC reports that the investigation is still ongoing by the local fire department, and that a determination has not yet been made of the origin of the fire. The MSNBC Black Churches Burning  video details the latest in this ongoing terrorist attack upon black churches in the south.

I absolutely do not believe Nikki Haley’s feigned tears at the loss of nine precious souls on June 17th at Emanuel AME Church. As an Indian American, it is clear that Nikki Haley has adopted the rhetoric, demeanor and denial of malicious racism perpetrated by southern white supremacists in order to maintain her power seat.

I still marvel that black Americans choose to live in southern states.

Meteorologist fired after defending her ‘ethnic’ hair


This story strikes a serious nerve with me, because I have personally been the recipient of similar comments noted in this piece. I like natural hair, and lately I have been thinking about going back to my “roots” so to speak. I wore my hair natural for over 10 years receiving mixed reviews from black and white alike. Station KTBS in Louisiana is so wrong for firing Rhonda Lee, and the commentary from some of their viewers, just plain ignorant. Kudos to Melissa Harris Perry for her ethnic hair too. I hope Rhonda Lee gets picked up by a more progressive market.

Read the full story at

Tommy Sotomayor interviews Rhonda Lee on his radio show at the following links.

Rhonda Lee Interview Pt 1 (Fired For Having Black Hair) :

Rhonda Lee Interview Pt 2 (Fired For Having Black Hair) :

Rhonda Lee Interview Pt 3 (Fired For Having Black Hair) :