Black lawmakers missing from immigration debate

Black lawmakers missing from immigration debate

The question is being raised by a number of observers and Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) watchers: out of 42 Black members of Congress currently serving in the House, why couldn’t one African American serve on the “Gang of 8?”

The 844-page immigration reform bill sent to the House of Representatives was received by select members of the House also known as the “Gang of 8” (four Democrats and four Republicans) for political craftsmanship. So why not any black Representatives in the select “Gang of 8”? In fact, where are black voices as it pertains to immigration reform? If you’re thinking that this isn’t an issue that should concern black Americans, then you’re wrong. Anytime there is a systematic effort to remove or block black or brown peoples, obviously because of fear of their future voting potential, you had better perk up. I am one of those individuals that would challenge the Congressional Black Caucus to step up on the issue of immigration reform.