Category Archives: GOP

Time to ‘Lock Him Up’!

In the latter part of the 2022 midterm election campaign season, Republicans reached into their racist playbook to raise a false flag about “crime,” a tried and true euphemism that frames Black people as the so-called “criminals” telling white American voters to be afraid and vote for the GOP. The goal of Republicans using this trope is to reinforce a militarized police state that targets Black people for containment, i.e., arrest, incarceration, and death. The starkness of this assertion is intentional and lays a foundation for my next one, a suspected criminal, namely trump, and his uncanny ability to remain lawless regardless of the multitude of laws he has likely broken. Besides, there is plenty of empirical data showing that the U.S. judicial system is not blind, specifically not color blind, and the GOP’s 2024 presumptive nominee for president is case in point. He continues to walk about freely primarily because he is a white male with means holding political power all while fomenting hate, bigotry, and violence. In fact, white male privilege borne out of systemic white supremacy is common and remains pervasive throughout the U.S.

To date, there are multiple legal cases against the bloviating huckster, yet only four key criminal investigations. What thrills me beyond words is that some of the brave souls attempting to hold the reality TV personality criminally accountable are Black people, two from New York, DA Alvin Bragg and AG Letitia James, and one from Georgia, DA Fani Willis. We’ll see if Jack Smith, a white male prosecutor, lives up to his lauded reputation. It is clear that DJT is infuriated to know that it’s Black people and women who may end up putting him behind bars. His clear threats targeting Alvin Bragg demonstrate a willingness to use violence to avert prison and further undermine the U.S. democracy. It’s beyond time for this particular criminal to get his just dessert. Lock him up!

Criminal Intent

In these final days of the 2022 Midterm campaigns, the GOP has played its “crime” trump card. It’s a familiar racist trope that has been used for years by Republicans to scare White people into voting for them. Sadly, it works. “Crime” is the age-old euphemism for Black people. After all, it was Lee Atwater who developed the Southern Strategy under Reagan and the Republicans successfully leverage it with regularity. Case in point, George Herbert Walker Bush defeated Mike Dukakis with the infamous Willie Horton ad campaign.

What the GOP won’t tell voters is where the crime is really happening. You guessed it, in red states. In a recent report by Third Way entitled The Red State Murder Problem we find that murder rates are highest in cities run by Republicans. In 2020, eight of the 10 states with the highest murder rates voted for trump. GOP hypocrisy and lies are boundless. In fact, the biggest criminal appears to be trump himself, the titular head of the Republican party, with at least 55 uncharged criminal offenses since 2015.

So, what is the answer? Democrats must fight back with messaging that frames Republicans as the party that is anti law and order to include the fact that most, if not all, of the GOP does not follow or adhere to the U.S. Constitution that they claim to love. It is the GOP that refused to condemn the trump insurrection of January 6th and whitewashed the violence against Capitol Police officers. It is also the GOP that is fomenting The Big Lie. Democrats’ messaging should continue to drive this point while also emphasizing public safety.

November 8th is election day. If we are to preserve the U.S. democracy, get out and vote, and when you do, VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot. Don’t cede the U.S. democracy to a fascist GOP.

Luther on the Trail

Barack Obama is on fire. He’s hit the campaign trail in the final stretch of the 2022 Midterms and it is clear that he is unrestrained. In fact, Keegan-Michael Key‘s “Luther” character no longer needs to translate for Obama, he’s good all by himself. From social security to women’s reproductive rights, the former President has sharply and rightly attacked the GOP while exposing just how unhinged and crazy the GOP has become. It’s time to take the gloves off, so-to-speak, and in an ever-increasing toxic political environment, speaking truth is apparently a dangerous thing to do. The recent attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, is case in point. Whatever it takes, get out and vote, then VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot. Don’t cede the U.S. democracy to a fascist GOP.

Watch “Full Speech: Hillary Clinton Anti-Trump Speech in Reno, Nevada (8/25/2016) Hillary Rally in Reno” on YouTube

Thank you Hillary Clinton for the speech you delivered at your really in Reno, Nevada! It takes a lot of courage for someone to make a speech that exposes the racist underbelly of the United States of America. During Hillary’s presidential campaign and throughout most of her public life, she has reached out to, worked with and supported black Americans. In her early career, she went door-to-door in my hometown in Massachusetts while working with the Children’s Defense Fund. Her methodical indictment of Donald Trump’s rhetoric and marriage to the white supremacist hate movement in America was powerful and effective.

Last August, I wrote a piece called Dangerous Donald, and my assertions could not have been more prescient. Many in the press, and in politics did not take Donald’s run for the presidency very serious. But, here we are a year later, and he’s the Republican nominee. He’s destroying the GOP with every racist word and misdeed, and it is well-deserved.

I applaud Hillary Clinton for making this speech at this particular moment in her campaign for the presidency especially since ‘thedonald’ has made his so-called  “pivot” in an effort to soften his image while disingenuously courting the black vote, and picture this, to all-white audiences using every stereotypical, dog-whistle talking point that he can muster. I repeat, Trump is dangerous, and not just to black Americans, but all Americans, and to the world at large.

Now the media and scared GOP politicians want to sanitize the white supremacist mob that has taken over their Party with the ascendancy of their nominee. In doing so, they use the term Alt-Right. The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the alternative right

The Alternative Right, commonly known as the Alt-Right, is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.

What I know, racism and hate under any name is still racism and hate. We need to call out this evil, divisive hate whenever it rears is ugly head. I’m glad that we have at least one responsible, qualified presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton to speak out against white supremacists as they attempt to stage their coup against the American people. 

GOP’s Abismal Terrorism Record!

I just love it when the Obama haters are proven to be liars. My grandfather always said that Republicans were liars. Rest his soul, he was spot on about many of them.

When I consider the GOP Primary candidates and their eventual nominees in just the last two presidential elections, the one constancy is the level of overt mendacity. Well, maybe I should add racism to that. Wait, let’s add fascism too.

This DailyKos piece lays out the facts on the true track record of the hawkish GOP on terrorism. They suck at keeping Americans safe!

The Angry Electorate!


The Republican Party has created it’s current nightmare scenario. All that the pundits can talk about is how to stop Donald Trump. Will the Republicans usurp the will of the angry white electorate that support Trump? Will their “establishment” candidate save the day?

My theory, after seven years of obstruction and hatred of Barack Obama, the GOP is reaping what they have sown. The stated goal from the mouth of Mitch McConnell was to make sure that Obama was a one-term president. Epic fail! The hallmark of the Obama administration has been success. This very fact has angered white men, in particular, who feel they are losing privilege, power and control in America. White supremacist hate groups are rising faster than they have in many recent years. For more than seven years, the GOP along with the right-wing media echo chamber has stoked the Tea Party and created a rabid, beast-like constituency that can no longer be controlled. The Republican Party is getting what it deserves! Trump is dessimating the Party, and they are frantic to regain control.

Roland Martin breaks it down in plain language, Trump is “the great white hope”. Martin provides an insightful analysis on both Democrats and Republicans, and I couldn’t agree more. The chickens are finally coming home to roost for the Republicans. Can you imagine Trump as #POTUS? Neither can the Republicans.