Category Archives: Obama

Luther on the Trail

Barack Obama is on fire. He’s hit the campaign trail in the final stretch of the 2022 Midterms and it is clear that he is unrestrained. In fact, Keegan-Michael Key‘s “Luther” character no longer needs to translate for Obama, he’s good all by himself. From social security to women’s reproductive rights, the former President has sharply and rightly attacked the GOP while exposing just how unhinged and crazy the GOP has become. It’s time to take the gloves off, so-to-speak, and in an ever-increasing toxic political environment, speaking truth is apparently a dangerous thing to do. The recent attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, is case in point. Whatever it takes, get out and vote, then VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot. Don’t cede the U.S. democracy to a fascist GOP.

Watch “Full Speech: Hillary Clinton Anti-Trump Speech in Reno, Nevada (8/25/2016) Hillary Rally in Reno” on YouTube

Thank you Hillary Clinton for the speech you delivered at your really in Reno, Nevada! It takes a lot of courage for someone to make a speech that exposes the racist underbelly of the United States of America. During Hillary’s presidential campaign and throughout most of her public life, she has reached out to, worked with and supported black Americans. In her early career, she went door-to-door in my hometown in Massachusetts while working with the Children’s Defense Fund. Her methodical indictment of Donald Trump’s rhetoric and marriage to the white supremacist hate movement in America was powerful and effective.

Last August, I wrote a piece called Dangerous Donald, and my assertions could not have been more prescient. Many in the press, and in politics did not take Donald’s run for the presidency very serious. But, here we are a year later, and he’s the Republican nominee. He’s destroying the GOP with every racist word and misdeed, and it is well-deserved.

I applaud Hillary Clinton for making this speech at this particular moment in her campaign for the presidency especially since ‘thedonald’ has made his so-called  “pivot” in an effort to soften his image while disingenuously courting the black vote, and picture this, to all-white audiences using every stereotypical, dog-whistle talking point that he can muster. I repeat, Trump is dangerous, and not just to black Americans, but all Americans, and to the world at large.

Now the media and scared GOP politicians want to sanitize the white supremacist mob that has taken over their Party with the ascendancy of their nominee. In doing so, they use the term Alt-Right. The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the alternative right

The Alternative Right, commonly known as the Alt-Right, is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.

What I know, racism and hate under any name is still racism and hate. We need to call out this evil, divisive hate whenever it rears is ugly head. I’m glad that we have at least one responsible, qualified presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton to speak out against white supremacists as they attempt to stage their coup against the American people. 

GOP’s Abismal Terrorism Record!

I just love it when the Obama haters are proven to be liars. My grandfather always said that Republicans were liars. Rest his soul, he was spot on about many of them.

When I consider the GOP Primary candidates and their eventual nominees in just the last two presidential elections, the one constancy is the level of overt mendacity. Well, maybe I should add racism to that. Wait, let’s add fascism too.

This DailyKos piece lays out the facts on the true track record of the hawkish GOP on terrorism. They suck at keeping Americans safe!

Watch “2016 State of the Union Address: Enhanced” on YouTube


On January 12, 2016, President Barack Obama delivered his eighth and final State of Union address. In my opinion, it was one of Obama’s best crafted speeches for the State of the Union. It has certainly been a long arduous road for our first black President, but I couldn’t be more proud of Mr. Obama’s accomplishments. His poise in the face of such racism and hatred is remarkable. This speech was reminiscent of candidate Obama in its style and tone. The President, once again, touched on themes of hope. He urged Americans not to listen to voices of division and ignorance that seek to pit Americans one against the other. It was appropriate that he concluded the speech with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King. Cheers to you Mr. Obama! You continue to inspire many Americans and people around the world.

We Don’t Deserve Mr. Obama!

The United States of America does not deserve President Barack Hussein Obama. Other nations have said as much, and I am here to lend my amen. President Barack Obama ran on an idealistic platform of hope and change. Those disillusioned by the current reality should take a look in the mirror. We the people have failed this president . We have not been the change that this country needed. We have allowed old racist mentalities to prevail. A mentality that essentially fears any black person that does not cower or any black person that demonstrates above average intelligence. The racist code words of today are “uppity” and “professorial” each attributed to Mr. Obama. The latter just means that he is smarter than most and that his intelligence is resented by the privileged and the ignorant alike.

In 2009, Barack Obama came into office with a vision of hope and change for America, but Americans have persisted with racist attitudes that summarily have dashed hopes, and limited the first black president’s ability to bring about the change that is so desperately needed in our country. We are not post-racial, we are racist, sexist, violent and greedy! In 2010 and now in 2014, those who did vote made sure that they checked the power of the first black man in the White House. Democrats didn’t turn out the vote in 2010, and they ran away from the President in 2014. Democrats lost big in both mid-term elections, but even more so in 2014 relinquishing power to the Republicans in both houses of Congress. Losing the Senate presents a major challenge to governing in the last two years of the Obama Administration.

Mr. Obama came to power at one of the worst points in US history and he had to hit the ground running. Indeed, Cush has been running hard and well since 2009. Under the eight years of Bush, we were subjected to terrorist attacks, two wars, mounting deficits and an economic crash. Isn’t it curious that the United States of America was willing to elect the first black president when it seemed that the country was going off the cliff. Now that Mr. Obama has accomplished so much and brought the country back from the brink — passed Obamacare, brought soldiers home from two wars, saved the US economy that has now created jobs for 52 consecutive months, reduced the deficit, bailed out the auto industry, brought down the unemployment rate and, yes, I’ll give him credit for low gas prices too, it seems Democrats and definitely Republicans are all too eager to move on to 2016. It is perplexing that Democrats could not find one thing to run on as it pertains to Mr. Obama’s record during the 2014 mid-terms. Eric Holder is right, Americans are cowards when it comes down to confronting issues of race. The 2014 red state, mid-term elections brought out the profound cowardice and liberal race bias in Democrats. They would not dare run on the black president’s record in red America because these red Americans digest Fox news like a meth addict. These southern and plains states Americans, also known as the “real America” by the likes of Sarah Palin, have wholeheartedly embraced Lee Atwater’s Southern Strategy.

Then there’s the Cromnibus bill, also known as the continuing resolution omnibus spending bill which  was vigorously debated in Congress prior to its passage in both the House and the Senate. Democrats were up in arms, and rightly so, because of the proposed repeal of Dodd-Frank that was drafted by Citigroup and snuck into the bill at the last minute. But, don’t be mad at Obama or blame the president when he lobbies for the bill to pass. You did not vote. When you don’t vote, the wrong Party gets in power. Elections matter. So now, it’s pass this undesirable bill to keep the government open, or wait six months for the Republicans, when they control both houses of Congress, to draft and even uglier, more draconian bill. Vote next time so you can repeal the repeal of Dodd-Frank. There are some good things in the bill like funding for Obamacare and early childhood education.

These days, I have had to repeatedly curb my enthusiasm online out of concern that I may cross that invisible, but oh-so-real line into vitriolic speech. But I’ll tell you emphatically what I hate, the hypocrisy of the United States to impose it’s version of democracy on other nations while denying it here at home. Voting rights under attack — stripped, obstructed or manipulated to ensure that black and brown people are further marginalized and deterred from voting. News of black lives taken by Klan-like police officers and vigilante citizenry who shoot first. You know who I’m talking about — Mike Brown, Eric Garner and Trayvon Martin. I am at a place where I prefer to not self-identify as the politically correct term, African American, but rather as a “black” person, and a member of the black nation worldwide.  Lest we forget, there are more people of color in this world than not. Besides, my true identity was stripped with that of my ancestors upon import to the United States.

I am equally disgusted with a political system that has pimped Barack Obama while it was lucrative to advance political careers, That’s you Democrats! By the way DCCC and DSCC, don’t call me any more for donations until you grow a spine and acknowledge the accomplishments of the black man, namely Barack Obama. Once Obama’s approval ratings took a downward turn after six years of governing, which is what Presidents must do, Democrats forgot the black guy’s name. As for Republicans, Barack Obama has been good business for you hatemongers too — you’ve sold plenty of “I hate Obama” books and beefed up ratings on TV and radio with your racist, vitriolic hate speech that stokes irrational fear of black people in most of rural America. GOP propaganda and hate speech has a strong and enduring market in the United States.

Today’s reality of the first black president of the United States is a wake up call for black people to the persistent racism of America. Some black people had been lulled into a false sense of equality, but now in the era of Obama, the stark reality of race bias has hit some squarely between the eyes and permeated their consciousness. Black America has experienced a cautionary tale — stay alert because civil rights gains of the past are not necessarily guaranteed today or tomorrow. Those who thought that it was enough to only vote in the general election were sadly mistaken. Black turnout in both 2010 and 2014 mid-term elections has been disappointing. What’s more concerning is many have yet to understand the impact of not participating in our democracy. Silence translates to consent.

As we approach these last two years of the Obama presidency, pundits like Michael Eric Dyson are now showing their true selves with strong indictments against the president regarding his response to the killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner. As a point of fact, Mr. Obama’s Department of Justice is investigating both killings. Mr. Obama has already convened a task force to address the issue of black young men being killed by police departments in alarming numbers. So, I have a particular bone to pick with Mr. Dyson. As a black intellectual Mr. Dyson is now firmly in the Tavis Smiley-Cornell West camp. Jealousy is unattractive, and if he is so intelligent, why cannot he, of all people, understand that a black leader must govern with shrewdness and wisdom in this country. Besides, Mr. Obama represents all Americans and not just black Americans. For context, read my piece under Salient Points entitled, “Governing While Black”.

Then there is New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who confessed recently that Democrats made a mistake by passing healthcare reform. This career Democrat Senator is less interested in the healthcare of Americans than he is in re-election. Mr. Obama’s care and willingness to do hard things while in office has scared Democrats. Democracy for America Communications Director, T. Neil Sroka commented that anyone who thought health care reform “was the wrong way to earn the support of middle-class, working families needs to have their head examined.” Yes, many are jumping ship now; weary of six years of a black president in a racist country. I wouldn’t count the President out just yet though. He can still frustrate Republicans by Executive Order, and he has the power to veto their legislation.







Great Expectations


Read my latest blog post under Salient Points entitled Great Expecations

It’s understandable that there is a demand upon the President from the various constituencies that re-elected him. Will everyone be satisfied? In my opinion, I don’t think so. That does not negate the fact that Mr. Obama’s presidency, thus far, has been the most diverse in history. I sincerely think that he will do his best to continue that legacy.

Obama’s Cabinet Diversity

I agree with Alan Colmes Liberaland blog that the issue of diversity in Obama’s second term is no issue at all. It has been trumped up by Republican haters and pie-in-the-sky Progressive liberals. Let’s not forget that President Obama is a black man and must always be included when considering the diversity issue in his cabinet. I’m growing very weary of the far right and far left these days. The far right demonizes and the far left deifies Obama. He is neither devil nor God. Cut the brotha’ some slack. If Republicans like Lindsey Graham and John McCain had not politically lynched Susan Rice, we would not be having this conversation. Besides, women are not the only people that elected Barack Obama, but are quite vocal right now. African Americans voted for Obama at a rate of 93% in the 2012 Presidential election. I, for one, an African American woman, will be most satisfied when I see another African American woman appointed to a noteable cabinet-level position or its politically visible equivalent. In fact, if the opportunity presents itself, I would advocate that President Obama appoint an African American woman to the Supreme Court. To criticize Obama for a lack of diversity is totally ridiculous. His record on issues pertaining to diversity stands on its own. Better yet, criticize the GOP club of white men who constantly block the first black POTUS in every way, shape and form. Criticize the dubious attacks against Eric Holder by the GOP. Criticize the GOP for Van Jones departure. And here’s another forgotten African American victim of Obama haters, Desiree Rogers, former White House Social Secretary. I have heard enough on this fake issue.

Fiscal Cliff Afterthoughts


Read my latest blog post under Salient Points entitled Fiscal Cliff Afterthoughts

If Republicans hate the fiscal cliff deal, the Republican House has no one to blame but itself. Speaker John Boehner had no control of his caucus, clearly demonstrated an inability to negotiate a deal (he essentially had no followers in his caucus) and then offered a bogus plan B solution that he couldn’t even bring to a vote.

‘Plan B’ Debacle and the Fiscal Cliff

BoehnerWhen I heard reports earlier this week that the White House’ latest negotiating offer to avert the fiscal cliff (curb) was to extend the Bush tax cuts to a higher income threshold (incomes up to $400,000) and to also propose spending cuts to Social Security by changing how benefits are calculated (using the chained CPI), I was disappointed, to say the least. Some Democrats, and I’m one of them, had to break with President Obama’s latest fiscal cliff proposal. Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit.

Then I began to think, this was probably a negotiating gesture by the White House that they figured Republicans would not accept anyway. Turns out, that’s the case. No one can ever say, credibly, that President Obama was not willing to make concessions during these negotiations. Then here comes Boehner, bam!, with bogus Plan B. Well, the President promised to veto Plan B, which is no viable plan at all, if it came to that. Boehner’s Plan B proposal extended the Bush Tax cuts on incomes up to $1 million.

Of course, Boehner’s Republicans did not accept the White House proposal (even with the Social Security spending cuts), but now Boehner’s inability to alternatively get his Republican caucus’ support for Plan B is solid evidence that he cannot responsibly negotiate the fiscal cliff. Boehner is a feckless leader, and probably the worst Speaker in the history of the United States. He appears to be a leader without any followers.

Republican House members were sent home this evening for the Christmas holiday after Boehner could not muster the votes to pass Plan B. What a well-deserved embarrassment for John Boehner. He had to call off the vote because, after all of Boehner’s rhetoric and posturing, he could not get the votes to pass it. As of this writing, Plan B is dead, so I guess the Social Security concession from Obama is no longer at issue either, I hope. It’s all for naught, and it looks like we may be going over the cliff after all. In fact, that may be the better deal for the American taxpayer, but it certainly will not help the economy, at least in the near term.

L. Jackson/12.20.2012