Tag Archives: Hilary Clinton

​White Noise!

I voted for Hillary! I hate the fact that Donald Trump is president-elect. What America said to me on  November 8th is, “we hate you if you’re not white”. This vote was the final dagger in the back of Barack Obama. In 2008, many in the country cheered when Obama was elected. He brought the promise of hope and change. With the election of Donald Trump, the country has gone into a low-level rage. The majority of voters who voted for Hillary have feelings of anger, anguish and mourning.

America has failed its racial test! This is a personal affront to me. This is a blow to the soul for me. I have watched for the last eight years America progressively manifest it’s racism overtly. The Republicans attacked Obama relentlessly, yelled at him in the House chamber, nullified him, ridiculed him and worked to degrade the first black president of the United States. So I’m not quite sure why this election was such a surprise to me. I just knew Hilary was going to win. Boy, was I totally wrong! I failed to realize the depth and the breadth of racism in this country.

I wrote a piece about Donald last August. In that piece I indicated just how dangerous I thought Donald Trump to be. My opinion has not changed. In fact, I am now more convinced that he is one of the most Insidious people on the planet. White America has elected this crazy man to be the chief executive officer of the United States of America. They have elected this narcissistic liar to be the commander-in-chief. Why? Fear of losing white privilege? Tired of 8 years of that n***** in office?

Hillary Clinton ran a solid campaign. Again, I hate that she lost the election, but things happen for a reason. This country isn’t worthy of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. On the Republican side, Donald Trump rose to the top of the heap. Out of 17 or more candidates in the primaries, he became the GOP nominee. Hillary, on the other hand, had far less competition, but Bernie was her rival so he pulled her toward his progressive agenda. Regardless of what people say in hindsight post-election, Bernie would not have won the White House. This election was a perfect storm of events — voting irregularities, Russian hacking, misogyny and white supremacist hatred.

How did Trump rise above all of his competitors? He was one of the most uncouth, vile presidential candidates that has ever run for this high and lofty office, and his supporters loved every minute of it. In each passing day, with his demonstrated behavior, Trump revealed the heart and soul of white America. The United States of America is a nation of bigots, racists and misogynists. Given this fact, Hillary didn’t stand a chance. All I hear now is the Democrats didn’t speak enough to the white working-class voter. That’s racial code for, “you spent too much time talking to those n*****s and sp**s”. On Tuesday November 8, 2016, a faction of white America said we’ve had enough of that n***** and that n***** lover.

So now YOU have Trump because HE’S NOT MY PRESIDENT! America is in deep trouble. Because you say we don’t want the thing that is decent, honorable and good; so now you have trouble! This guy is going to bring heartache and misery to you. He lied to you all throughout his campaign. Already, he is backing away from empty promises. Since the election, hate crimes have spiked against Jews, Muslims and other groups targeted by his hateful rhetoric. All groups that Donald Trump maligned are now living with anxiety and fear. Children are afraid of Donald Trump and crying because they fear that their undocumented loved ones will be deported. It is deplorable, and it is disgusting!

Okay Deplorables, this is your time, let’s see what you’ve got. The world is looking at the heart and soul of America and we see that it is vapid, vacuous and violent, Donald Trump.

Watch “Full Speech: Hillary Clinton Anti-Trump Speech in Reno, Nevada (8/25/2016) Hillary Rally in Reno” on YouTube

Thank you Hillary Clinton for the speech you delivered at your really in Reno, Nevada! It takes a lot of courage for someone to make a speech that exposes the racist underbelly of the United States of America. During Hillary’s presidential campaign and throughout most of her public life, she has reached out to, worked with and supported black Americans. In her early career, she went door-to-door in my hometown in Massachusetts while working with the Children’s Defense Fund. Her methodical indictment of Donald Trump’s rhetoric and marriage to the white supremacist hate movement in America was powerful and effective.

Last August, I wrote a piece called Dangerous Donald, and my assertions could not have been more prescient. Many in the press, and in politics did not take Donald’s run for the presidency very serious. But, here we are a year later, and he’s the Republican nominee. He’s destroying the GOP with every racist word and misdeed, and it is well-deserved.

I applaud Hillary Clinton for making this speech at this particular moment in her campaign for the presidency especially since ‘thedonald’ has made his so-called  “pivot” in an effort to soften his image while disingenuously courting the black vote, and picture this, to all-white audiences using every stereotypical, dog-whistle talking point that he can muster. I repeat, Trump is dangerous, and not just to black Americans, but all Americans, and to the world at large.

Now the media and scared GOP politicians want to sanitize the white supremacist mob that has taken over their Party with the ascendancy of their nominee. In doing so, they use the term Alt-Right. The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the alternative right

The Alternative Right, commonly known as the Alt-Right, is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.

What I know, racism and hate under any name is still racism and hate. We need to call out this evil, divisive hate whenever it rears is ugly head. I’m glad that we have at least one responsible, qualified presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton to speak out against white supremacists as they attempt to stage their coup against the American people. 

Benghazi Hearings


Rand Paul and his grandstanding today surely made points with the Tea Party pathetic fringe, but it proves to the rest of us why we can’t take any of them seriously. There were several Republican attacks launched at Hilary Clinton today during her testimony before Congress, but she handled them all with great aplomb. This was just another opportunity for right-wing conspiracy theorists to demonstrate their ignorance or their inability to participate in rational discourse. Republicans are more interested in making political points than taking steps to ensure that our Diplomats have the support and protection they need going forward. Read the full editorial by Juliet Lapidos at Taking Note, the Editorial Page Editor’s Blog of The New York Times.